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The American Dream in Buried Onions Essay


What is this so called American dream that tends to consume everyones thoughts and aspirations when they think of the United Sates? For many this is phrase does not really exists anymore because this nation is falling apart, just as the countries is many leave to come here for a better life. In the novel Buried Onions Eddies American dream is in his reach but not all the way there yet he still has to earn it. And he does not always take the right paths to reach it. This goes for everyone in the barrio where he lives. This leads me to believe that the American dream does exist.

For some this is a hard topic to discuss because they really dont understand it or just dont care to. In my opinion the American dream is very simple it is having you family a home and to have enough money for your family. Most people who come from different countries have a different view they come here because the laws are different and it is better here; or is it. But in the end there is not just one simple American dream everyones is different it depends where you are from how you grew up and how privileged you are. Every person has a different story just as they do in Buried Onions, from Eddie to Mr. Stiles and Coach. In the barrio the dream is something you have to work very hard for. But in Mr. Stiles neighborhood the dream is there they have it they may want more but they have more then some or they have exactly what some want.

The American dream can not fail anyone they fail the dream. They mess up the good thing in their life. Such as Eddie he thinks the dream is failing him but in the end he is the one who is making the bad decisions all by himself. No one made him drop out of school he chose too. So he failed the dream not the other way. This is the story of most of the people in the barrio. Norma has the same problem she chose to have kids she was not forced and she chose to get married and not get an education. They all have or had a chance to make a new path but the one strong person has not shown up yet. Who knows it could be Eddie.

There are many reasons that could prove that the American dream fails them. But they can all be eliminated. Maybe the dream is failing Eddie and all of them maybe its just fait that they live in this horrible neighborhood. Maybe it is just fait but if someone really did not like the things that were happening for you, could change it you would have to work for it and make sure you knew what you really wanted and in the end it might come to you. Also the dream only exist if you say it does for yourself. I think the dream exist for everyone it starts with just the simple wanting of that candy or toy and as you age it turns into greater things. Then why is it the American dream; it is because people come her to lead the life people from here do its not very grand but its better then where these people come from.

The American dream is this over powering phrase that is over examined and taken to seriously at times but in some cases this is what some need in there life. They just have to want it bad enough so that they dont want to it mess up and it falls in their lap because they worked hard for it. Nothing in life is free we have to work for every thing. I strongly believe in the American dream and that anyone and get it. And the dream exists for Eddie but he did not want it bad enough or it would have come to him easier.

Work Cited

Soto, Gary. Buried Onions. San Diego, California 1997

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