Foundation and Earth is a science fiction novel, the final book in the Foundation series, and continues the adventures of Golan Trevize and Janov Pelorat, two citizens of the future society known as the Foundation. Together, the pair sets out to find the ancestral home of the human race, a planet which has faded into legend - Earth. Trevize, a councilman, is seeking justification for his decision to embrace the hive-mind Galaxia method, and as Trevize and Pelorat travel across the galaxy they learn not only about humanity's past, but its possible future.
In Foundation and Empire, a science fiction novel and the fourth book in the Foundation series, the emperor of the Galaxy has deemed the Foundation a threat, and has sent forces to attack it. Though the foundation emerges victorious from their engagement with the Empire, they soon must face another threat: the Mule, a mutant slowly taking over unsuspecting planets. This crisis sparks a search for the Second Foundation, now the only hope for humanity's future.
The Good Earth is the story of Wang Lung, a poor Chinese farmer who dreams of owning land. He marries the competent and pragmatic O-Lan, but after acquiring land the two are forced by famine to seek work in a nearby city. Eventually they and their children return to their farmland with stolen riches and sink into corruption. Wang Lung takes a concubine and does not realize his own dissolution until, on his death bed, he sees that his children are scheming and faithless.